Represent your city, town or village in this category, consisting of teams of two participants

Participate in the Škoda Titan Desert Almería as a representative of your home town. Give your home town a high profile by competing together with a friend in the Titan. The Ambassador category consists of two-rider teams of people from the same town. They ride together in the race and have their own category.


Conditions of the Ambassador category

This modality is reserved to the participation of two people in a team who have to ride together throughout all the stages.
The team members must be from the same company, certifying this through documentation. Both employees should have been in the company for more than one year.

This modality has its own classification, with prizes for the leading participants.

Present your project in your municipality and represent it by participating in the Škoda Titan Desert Almería. If you need more information about the classification, send an email to info@skodatitandesertalmeria.com

Experience the
Škoda Titan Desert Almería